Do they feel empowered, limited, unsure, inspired, etc? Art Project: The girls should add a picture or word that comes to mind from this discussion.When we limit the roles people can play - even just in our minds - we put people in a role we choose for them, rather than a role they choose for themselves. Point out that these attributes are some of the ones that people might unthinkingly use to limit a person’s roles and that no one should feel limited.For example, if the girls drew a male dentist and you call out “gender”, they erase and change the dentist’s hair and face to be female. Now, call out one of the characteristics listed below and ask the girls to erase and change one of their drawings to the opposite of what it is now.
Now get the girls talking about who they see on TV or in the movies in those roles, whether they are mostly males or females, and how what they see may affect the way they think about certain roles. Just a quick sketch is needed - even a stick figure is fine. Tell the girls that you are going to callout roles, and they have one minute to draw the first picture that comes to mind.
Hand out the supplies and let the girls know that they are about to try a fun way to learn how they picure various roles. Gather pencils, erasers, coloring utensils and pages. Art Project: The girls can add another representation of a role if they discovred another one or they can add anything else they felt from the game. Continue the game until all the girls have had two or more turns at playing a role. When her time is up, have the girl say who guessed her role correctly or call out what her role was. After each girl chooses a role, ask her to jump into the “spotlight” and act out the role quickly, in just five-ten seconds as the other girls try to guess what role she’s playing. Invite the Juniors, one at a time, to choose one of the slips of paper on which you wrote the active roles. Get the girls moving with this role-play game about “active” roles for girls and women. Write the active roles below on slips of paper. Art Project: Have the girls choose one or two fo the roles (chosen by them, for them or one they want to try) and turn it into something on their project.a word, picture, color, shape (literal or interpretation). Which roles weren’t chosen by anyone? Why do you think that is? Are they roles you never imagined trying? Why?. Which roles do you think are the best fit for you? Which aren’t a good fit at all? Why?. What about the roles you gave other girls?. What do you think about the roles you chose for yourself? The roles other girls chose for you?. Give them a moment to look around at all the roles stuck to them. Ask them not to remove any of their sticky notes. When the minute ends, call, “Time!” and bring the girls together.
Girls should place only those roles they think are truly good fits for themselves or whomever else they’re placing them on.
When you say, “Start”, all girls will have one minute to grab some roles and stick them on themselves and one another. Gather the girls near the wall with the sticky notes and explain that each notes names one of the many roles girls and women can play in life. Write the roles below on sticky notes (one per note) or print out the following pages and use tape. Have each girl paint their canvas a background color if they wish. Each project is individual and there are no rules. They can use paint, marker or any other objects to make pictures, words, shapes or even just colors. Art Project: Introduce Art project - the girls will be creating a piece of art by adding a little bit after each section. These awards are placed together on the front of your sash. Each of these has a special meaning: The Reach Out Award shows that you understand the many roles women and girls play in the world around them and the leadership skills used to play them The Speak Out Award shows that you are aware of how stereotypes could hold yourself and others back from trying on roles, and you have taken action to help stop stereotypes and the Try Out Award shows that you have the courage and confidence to try out new roles. The Journey Award has three parts: Reach Out, Speak Out and Try Out. You may find that some roles you never even thought about are just right for you! As you travel along this Journey, be open to trying out as many roles as possible. You’ll imagine, create and try-out new roles for yourselves. On this Journey, Girl Scout Juniors will explore all of the roles available for women and girls. Each girl names one role she already has in life and one she would like to try. Schedule -ħ:00-7:30 Bronze Award Explanation / Introduction